Grace Lutheran Church Foundation

How do I request funds?

Proposals for funding should be submitted in writing. They may be submitted to the GLC office or to one of the Foundation’s Board members at anytime. Requests are reviewed at the next Board meeting.

What sort of information should I provide?

– The project, event or item(s) to be funded. And the timeline for funding.
– The overall budget and what portion of that budget is to be met through GLCF funding.
– Other sources of funding that have been considered.
– The ministry being supported, expected results, and the relationship of the ministry to the mission of GLC.
– If you are requesting matching-funds or an outright grant.

How do I know if my request is approved?

The Board will let you know the status of your request.

How are funds distributed?

Written requests for distribution of funds, including receipts or invoices, should be submitted directly to GLCF, unless the Board instructs otherwise.

For full instructions on how to request funds and a form to complete click here.

Funds Managed by the Foundation
Type of fund, name and purpose.
Endowed Funds
(only earnings available)

Ronnenkamp – a general fund.

Parish Nurse – to support the parish nurse program.

Pipe Organ – to support the GLC organ.

Grace Center – to support the Center.

Kuehn – for church choir music.

Library – a small fund dedicated to assisting the library.

The Foundation also administers memorial donations given in memory of members and friends of Grace Lutheran Church.

Non-Endowed Funds
(principal and earnings available)

Brian Smith Medical – for use when a catastrophic and overwhelming health problem or medical need seriously impacts household finances.

Musical Instrument – to purchase and maintain instruments.

Schultz Youth Fund – to support group youth activities that further the church mission and values in the community.

Technology – to purchase and maintain computer and audio/video items for church use.

William and Lorraine Benson Music Fund – to support traditional music, the pipe organ, and the grand piano.

What is it?

Grace Lutheran Church Foundation is a nonprofit foundation established on January 22, 1995, by Grace Lutheran Church, Corvallis, Oregon. Funds are professionally managed in an investment management account.

What is its purpose?

To provide a means for members and friends of Grace Lutheran Church to extend the ministry of the congregation, to enhance the quality of that ministry, and to establish memorials as living testaments to those to be remembered.

Does the Foundation provide tax benefits?

Yes! Most gifts are tax deductible

How does the Foundation grow?

Through gifts of cash, and Foundation-accepted gifts of real estate and personal property; through bequests or as a beneficiary; through asset appreciation and interest earned

What is an endowed fund?

An endowed fund is one where the original gift(s) or principal is preserved in perpetuity. Only earnings are available to be used.

May gifts be designated?


Examples of the many projects the Foundation has supported

Within the Church
Renovations – kitchen, basement, bathrooms
Computers – pastors, office, Discipling Ministries, Music Director
Instruments – grand piano, drums
Acolyte and communion robes
Communion kits
Choir music
Library books
Youth group functions
Audio-visual system, projectors
Workshops – End of Life, Men’s Ministry
Street sign
Medical expenses – members
Altar Guild

Within the local community
and world
Guyana Youth Mission
Luther House
Medical expenses – non-members
House of Zion Ministries
Missions to Nepal, Kenya, Senegal


The Grace Lutheran Church Foundation provides an opportunity for members and friends of the congregation to establish, enrich, sustain, and complete programs and projects in pursuit of the Lord’s work in our midst, our community, and beyond.

What are some ways to donate to the Foundation?

There are many ways to contribute to the Foundation. Some examples are: through cash donations of any size; through the gift of appreciated stock; by designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement or other account or a life insurance policy; through annuities where you receive income during your lifetime; through the donation of real estate, etc.

Good stewardship suggests that each person should plan for the disposition of life's accumulations at death. It is wise to prepare that plan in consultation with an attorney to make certain that it is legal and clearly states your wishes.

“In gratitude and humble trust
we bring our best today
to serve your cause and share your love
with all along life’s way.
O God, who gave yourself to us
in Jesus Christ your son,
teach us to give ourselves each day
until life’s work is done.”
Hymn 695, ELW

For additional information:
Call the church office 541-757-1600
or write:
Grace Lutheran Church Foundation
435 NW 21st Street
Corvallis, OR 97330

Revised June 2014